Frank Lamping Elementary School serves over 630 students in the community of Henderson, Nevada, situated just south of Las Vegas. Lamping is a genuinely exceptional school with an invested group of educators, staff, families, and community members. Everyone takes responsibility for the education of our students, and the highest of standards are expected and achieved year after year.
Lamping Elementary is a Governor’s STEAM school and designated STEM school by the Nevada STEM Coalition, meeting rigorous standards for providing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics instruction and experiences for all students. With extensive parent and community involvement, a partnership was formed by naming our Science Center after William McCool, pilot of the ill-fated Columbia Space Shuttle Mission. As a result, students utilize a three-quarter scale space shuttle simulator and mission control center, the first of its kind on the West Coast. Our students sit in the cockpit, manipulate the controls, and use critical thinking skills to solve challenging problems through actual space flight simulations. Our children now have a shot at traveling in space before they even think of getting a driver’s license!
The power of positive relationships is at the core of our climate and culture at Lamping. As a staff, we are intentional about building these relationships, which is the foundation of our success. We are delighted to see our students every day, and we tell them so. Every child and adult is enriched by just being a part of our school.