Safety & JSPO
In response to the congestion and resultant safety issues during pick-up and drop-off, the Lamping PTA has formed the Safety Commitee. The Safety Committee monitors and implements procedures for safe arrival and departure in conjuncion with the school’s Administration.
Junior Safety Partrol Officers (JSPO)
The JSPO program operates under the guidelines set forth by AAA and is comprised of current Lamping 4th and 5th grade students. The JSPOs monitor and assist in the Kiss and Drop Zones and playground during the morning drop off and afternoon pick up times.
JSPOs patrol playgrounds and open car doors and help carry bags so parents can stay in their cars, facilitating in improved traffic flow. Please let your child know that if they need help and are unable to find a teacher or adult, that the JSPO are there to help.
Some Nevada Traffic Laws
● No stopping or parking on crosswalks
● No parking within 20 feet of a crosswalk
● No backing up onto a crosswalk
● No parking on the sidewalks
● No parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
● No parking in the fire lane
● The speed limit on ALL CCSD campuses is 5 mphVolunteers are needed and greatly appreciated
Office Opens : 7:30 AM |
Student Arrival : 8:40 AM |
Student Dismissal : 3:11 PM |
Telephone: (702) 799-1330