Annual Budgets
William McCool Science Center Foundation
Budget information for the William McCool science center is provided so that community and family members can see how the monies raised each year are spent. The majority of the science center’s annual budget goes towards salaries to ensure that our science instructor has enough time and assistance to prepare the hands-on science and also to have assistants on hand to ensure students have adequate help during their science explorations. Also included in the budget are monies that help supply additional supplies and equipment needed to perform the hands on activities.
The WMSC’s budget comes from money raised by our community. The district covers only maintenance and upkeep of the building and some equipment. Your financial support of the science center is not only appreciated, it is needed to maintain excellence in science instruction at Lamping Elementary.
Annual Insurance
General Liability $900
Directors and Officers $800
Sub Total $1,700Payroll
3 Instructional Assistants, 3 hours per day, $24,000
Site Director & Assistant Director Stipend $8,400Sub Total $32,400
supplies and miscellaneous
FOSS Replenishment Kits $2,700
Animal Habitat Maintenance (Desert Tortoises, Fish Aquariums/Cleaning, Hummingbirds) $2,200
Yearly supplies, equipment, resources for Science Center $5,000
WMSC Scholarship Contribution $1,000
Sub Total $10,900WMSC Annual Budget: $45,000.00
Board of Trustees
The WMSC Foundation Board was created to ensure that the interests of the William McCool Science Center are preserved. The board makes decisions for the center’s budget, spending and fundraising and also is in place to help ensure that the building remains a center of excellence in science education. If you have an interest in serving on the board or have other questions, please contact Principal Solomon.
William McCool Foundation Board of Trustees
Ex Officio Trustees:
Robert Solomon, President
Misty Tyler, Secretary
Jenifer Figueroa, Science Director
PTA President: Alice Braun
Appointed Trustees (3 year term ending in December of designated year):
Amy Thill, Vice President Rotate off 2021
Brad Emery, Treasurer Rotate off 2021
Steve Scow, Trustee Rotate off 2021
Honorary Trustees:
Barry McCool
Father of William McCoolAudrey McCool
Mother of William McCool
Office Opens : 7:30 AM |
Student Arrival : 8:40 AM |
Student Dismissal : 3:11 PM |
Telephone: (702) 799-1330